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did ted knight speak german

Healy decided to side with Cannon. He was determined and capable, but he certainly wasn`t glamorous. The Healy group was run as an authoritarian one-faction organisation. Monroe followed the Rushes to Marin County and eventually got a job with Henry's paper as a reporter. Here are seven commercial spots he did for them from. He helped it rehabilitate itself in the labour movement from which it had largely turned away in the previous period. He thought that it could not survive, that it would be overthrown either by bourgeois counter-revolution or by a new workers' revolution, soon, in a matter of a few months or years. Perhaps Schoenman wanted what then happened to happen. German Translation of "knight" | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. I remember the emphasis on the Labour Party, and a question put to the one proposed as a new member: was I willing to work in the Labour Party? I don't know what his relationship with the SLL (by then renamed WRP), if any, was at that point. Vic Morrow preferred to keep Combat! role. I date my being a political grown-up from the point when, after a lot of emotional turmoil, I could see see the joke about how ridiculous I was, going to the meeting, still staggering a little from the ear surgery, thinking myself a very disciplined Bolshevik for it, and what then happened at the branch committee. Klaus: "Oh, you speak German? There was still a lot of loyalty to The Great Father of the Peoples. The show entered daily broadcast syndication in the fall of 1986, which continued until 2003. Siding with the workers required unequivocal opposition to the Russian Army of occupation. He was on a nominal wage of 8 a week and was lucky if he got 4. Ted Knight (born Tadeusz Wladyslaw Konopka; December 7, 1923 - August 26, 1986) was an American actor well known for playing the comedic roles of Ted Baxter in The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Henry Rush in Too Close for Comfort, and Judge Elihu Smails in Caddyshack . Combat! The Orthodox Trotskyists had to decide where they stood. Knight had systematically misinformed Healy! Jones had access to, and conferred with, Seligman, producer Robert Blees and the show's various directors and technicians to ensure the show was staged accurately. Combat! I should stress that there was nothing anti-Irish in it. Two Episodes of 'Combat!' The views expressed here are the author's own. I was disgusted with myself for having sat silently through it, as I did. And this was the Russian Army which the Orthodox Trotskyists thought would be the protagonist in the making of a Europe-wide "deformed" revolution, or War-Revolution. In 1985, he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Though it was the first to be broadcast, "Forgotten Front" was sixth in production order. It began in 1977, just after his " The Mary Tyler Moore Show" appearance. Healy won. I had chronic ear trouble, for which I was operated on, spending a couple of weeks in hospital. The WRP and Labour Herald argued that the Tories could only be fought by a general strike of the industrial big battalions, and councils must do the best they could until then. The relentlessness hollows antihero Saunders out: at times, you can see the tombstones in his eyes. Comic actor Ted Knight of the "Mary Tyler Moore Show" had lived a wonderful life. I knew him well long ago in the Orthodox Trotskyist organisation of the late 1950s and early 1960s. Pablo's grouping called for the withdrawal of all occupying armies from Germany, thus evading the issue. It made bizarre political judgements, many of them, on all the most important political issues, influenced more by Gerry Healys glands and his fluctuating paranoia than by objective reality. The Russian-controlled North invaded the South, and the USA, Britain and other states moved in to back the South. His given name was actually Ermes Effron Borgnino.Knight's career was cut short by cancer. I was discharged on the Thursday, went to the branch meeting on Sunday, and was without any warning of what to expect, lapsed from membership, for inactivity. Knight was responsible! Before he was a buffoonish anchorman on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Ted Knight was a steely-eyed German sergeant in the 1964 Combat! He was awarded five Bronze Stars during his duty. his native town of Terryville, Connecticut. In the three episodes here, Lee Marvin portrays a sergeant ordered to blow up a German-held bridge, Eddie Albert is an addled World War I doughboy who remained in France, and James Coburn plays a German officer who infiltrates Allied lines while masquerading as an American corporal. Ted Knight underwent treatments, curtailed the disease and went on with his business. In the first season, the then little-known Ted Knight and Frank Gorshin made appearances. The Militant was an archaic-looking publication - each issue four very big broadsheet-sized pages. It was. Its leading member, Harry Ratner, and two other leaders, Bert and Greta Karpin, had resigned. After being hospitalized, Knight died of cancer in his home in Pacific Palisades at the age of 62, as reported by AP News. Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. With the workers and oppressed peoples, or with the "progressive" Stalinist bureaucracy? But that might lead to the Americans, British, and French becoming masters of East Germany? This was now the Revolution of our time". Battle footage from World War II often was woven into episodes. Ted Knight was there. aired 152 hour-long episodes. In 1981 the WRP (via Vanessa Redgrave, no less) sued me for libel for writing that they for comparing them to the Moonie sect and the Scientologists, and for reporting that they used systematic emotional, political and physical violence against vulnerable young people. Ive really wanted to shake Ted Baxter, he said in 1981. From the early mid 1960s, Ted Knight worked for Healy at a specific job of infiltrating and trying to damage rival organisations, at first in the British section of the newly reunited Fourth International. "[7], Jason said of the working conditions, "In the first year of the show, Vic and I were given dressing room suites in a building that hadn't been renovated in twenty-five years. "[7], Wesley Britton wrote, "The producers and directors of the series (including Robert Altman, whose work on the show included 10 defining episodes) went the extra mile for establishing credibility and realism. His first 5-year stint ended in 1941. So far, more than 10,000 volunteers have created upwards of 44,000 talk translations and today, the TED Blog brings you a Q&A with one of them. Baum in the 1965 Combat! When Stalins successor denounced him in 1956, it had changed everything for the Trotskyists, who had been persecuted in a labour movement in which Stalinists and quasi Stalinists were numerous. Knight also starred with Rodney Dangerfield and Chevy Chase in the 1980 movie Caddyshack, a farce about golf, and performed on Broadway in the play Some of My Best Friends.. The SLL raised a hue and cry about the police having been called. Borgnine said that their marriage was the "worst mistake" in his life. Gerry Healy in his last period was a high priest and philosopher, gabbling about dialectics and Marxist philosophy to audiences of which 99% would have no idea what he was talking about, but would take it on trust as part of the political package. Knight . In 1974, he co-starred in an unaired sitcom pilot for ABC called "The Fireman's Ball". It made a fetish of its own organisation. Nobody had heard of Tone, so I explained his connection with the French Revolution, the Bolshevik revolution of his time, confidently concluding: "If Wolfe Tone were alive today, he'd be in the Fourth International"! Healys group was still a minority, but the Fourth International leaders insisted that the minority be given the leadership in the organisation, which was carrying out Healy's entryist tactic. Interestingly, both Knight and Borgnine were multi-lingual; Knight was fluent both in Polish and in Germanthe latter coming in handy when he played a German officer on several occasions in. Then, after the Pearl Harbor attack in late 1941, he rejoined for the duration of the war, patroling the Atlantic coast looking for German U-Boats. Saunders to his unit while they were on the move. Besides the complement of regulars-which also included Rick Jason as Lt. Hanley-the series ran through a veritable platoon of guest stars, from Sal Mineo as a French Resistance fighter to Telly Savalas as a Greek soldier to, yes, Ted Knight as a Nazi officer. After the WRPs collapse and the Lambeth surcharges, Knight stepped back from political life for a while. ''Combat!'' Above: Ted Knight (in middle background) with Bertrand Russell (right foreground) and Russell's secretary Ralph Schoenman (bearded, left), from The Newsletter, 25 June 1966. Prior to portraying Pvt. At first Ted Knight, so he told me back in 1959-60, thought the Orthodox Trotskyists were lunatics with their imminent Third World War that would also be a great anti-capitalist revolution. Healy in Britain had parted ways with the SWP-USA. McCall, William Bryant made three guest appearances throughout the first four seasons. The Stalinists didnt really understand what was happening: they did. I felt and was made to feel guilty for that, appropriately.). [5] The syndication rights for Too Close for Comfort are held by DLT Entertainment, a production and distribution company owned by show producer D.L. Nimoy appears in two episodes of the series. But Stalinism survived the war, and by wars end had gained control of half of Europe. He was a regular for years.His car license plate in California is BORG9.Borgnine was married five times. Gerry Healy himself would be chair of the Norwood Labour Party. That was the Orthodox Trotskyist group of Ted Knight's early 20s. It's likely that Calin got the tie-in commission from Lancer before the series aired, and had to produce the first book to hit the stands shortly after the show debuted; thus he may have had little more to go on than some publicity material and/or a pilot script (and the series would change significantly from the pilot) and/or a show bible, and had to make best guesses without the opportunity to see an actual episode. They were against the election of the Labour government in 1979 because, they said, there would be an immediate military coup if Labour won. Knight also appears in three other episodes of the series. But in 1959-60 there was still a great deal of the old hostility to Trotskyists. Commander Quinton McHale in the TV sitcom, "McHale's Navy." was also distinguished by its grim and realistic stories that frequently had only the most minimal of dialogue, and that often being only quick orders from Sgt. Too Close for Comfort is an American sitcom television series that aired on ABC from November 11, 1980, to May 5, 1983, and in first-run syndication from April 7, 1984, to February 7, 1987. Nobody had ever heard of Knight before The Mary Tyler Moore Show. It had taken him a long time to achieve stardom. Many of the restaurant walls are covered with his photos; additionally, the wait staff undergoes rigorous Ernest Borgnine trivia training as part of the job! enduring fame in a scene-stealing supporting turn on a classic 1970s 1953 was a contrived and unnecessary split, driven by a factional struggle in the US organisation, but it raised one fundamental question and that was at the heart of all post-Trotsky Trotskyism. Henry is a conservative cartoonist who authors a comic strip called Cosmic Cow with a hand-puppet version of "Cosmic Cow." comedy series. It was here that Connecticut natives Ernest Borgnine and Ted Knight first honed their acting skills. Knight, who starred in the short-lived Ted Knight Show and Too Close for Comfort, died at his Pacific Palisades home Tuesday with his wife of 38 years, Dorothy, and their three children at his side. In 1985 Lambeth joined a group of Labour councils who thought to fight the Tories by delaying the setting of their rates (local taxes). It was a ritual at the organisations summer camp, at central committee and branch meetings. Knight and Pennington were suspended from the International group. In June 1950 war broke out in Korea. would be complemented by another World War II drama scheduled for Friday nights, called The Gallant Men, where Altman had directed the pilot episode. This was still the "political" SLL, before the early-1960s influx of youth and the focus on social activities began to transform everything. That was already true a decade earlier. The series had a dusty, dirty, battered look, and the members of Saunders` squad regularly groused about Army chow, aching feet and their lot in life. He won an Academy Award for his 1949 screenplay Battleground, and directed 1951's Go for Broke! That Ted Knight would have been very surprised to find his obituary in the Morning Star headlined "A giant of the labour movement" (as if the Morning Star would know about such things!). It wasnt just the sources of its money. Cost Half a Million Dollars. Too Close, on ABC went into syndication after running from 1980-83, and was set for shooting this month as a new The Ted Knight Show. Shooting was delayed by his illness, officials said. In this episode, Hanley and the gang seek to rescue a young, mentally scarred French woman who falls into German hands and is interrogated by Knight's intimidating character. The program starred Rick Jason as platoon leader Second Lieutenant Gil Hanley and Vic Morrow as Sergeant "Chip" Saunders. In 1985, the television star's conditioned worsened and the 62-year-old actor died on August 26, 1986, following surgery for a growth in his urinary tract. Additional characters include Sara's friend, Monroe Ficus, and Henry's boss, Arthur Wainwright, who was head of Wainwright Publishing. Borgnine has visited the establishment several times.Borgnine was quite conservative. Late in life, the U.S. Navy made him an Honorary Chief Petty Officeran honor that pleased him greatly.Ernest was the very first center square on "Hollywood Squares" when that show debuted in September of 1965. Jobs as a disc jockey, announcer, singer, master of ceremonies, ventriloquist, puppeteer and pantomimist in North Carolina, Rhode Island and New York followed before he moved to New York City for more training at The American Theater Wing. Youd still hear talk of Trotsky allying with Fascism. In the Communist Party rooms on Cheetham Hill Rd there was still a picture of Stalin on the wall (when no-one was watching Id turn it face to the wall, but someone always turned it back). Before he ever bit down on his trademark lollypop as Lt. Theo Kojack, Telly Savalas was a French Resistance fighter in the 1967 Combat! Can you match these TV shows to the correct military branch? It must have given someone a measure of quiet satisfaction. That led to some discussion of it in Manchester. This website uses cookies, you can find out more and set your preferences here. Labour Herald collapsed when the WRP imploded late in 1985. "[8], Combat! The WRP was a strange sadomasochistic, quasi religious cult. The Trotskyists had been bitter critics of the Stalin regime, seeing Stalinism as counter-revolution in Russia and as a leprosy (Trotskys word) of the international labour movement. On the whole I don't think it worked, or not often. He was surrounded by his wife, Dorothy and three children. These things are often arbitrary. Then and now, viewers see motion picture quality photography as in the long shots very unlike most network television of the period. was depicted on-screen as a stylized bayonet. So there was a special meeting on it. Do Not Sell My Information - CA Residents. His life and political death were part of the tragedy of post-Trotsky Trotskyism. The season concluded with Muriel giving birth to a son, Andrew (later played regularly by twins William and Michael Cannon from 1983 to 1984). By continuing to use this website, you agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions. [1] Contemporary newspaper reports called the show Combat Platoon. Saunder's King Company, a roving band of American infantryman, is that the squad was joined by many notable actors as they fought to survive on the front lines of war-torn France. For instance, in late 1964, to assert the right of its Young Socialists to lead an engineering apprentices' strike, it engaged in sectarian strikebreaking. Ted refused to let us disperse, and kept us waiting until he arrived. He was diagnosed with cancer. They came to Manchester. Knight was Healy's man within the International group (as it was called) and the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation. has been aired on and off since the 1970s in Greece, Iran, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Brazil, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Chile, Per, Indonesia, Colombia, Argentina, South Korea, Canada, Venezuela, Australia, Malaysia, Pakistan, and Taiwan. God knows how Gerry Healy escaped expulsion, while the youngster Knight was expelled. His active collaboration with the WRP would resume in about 1979-80. Savalas appears in two episodes of the series. Jason and Morrow would play the lead in alternating episodes in Combat!. The series went into production on June 2, 1962[5] and filming got underway on June 11. He married Broadway star Ethel Merman in 1964. He had Labour Party political roots, but he had been expelled from the party in 1954. They were more emphatic about that after the rising was crushed than during the conflict, but they stood with the German workers against their "progressive" conquerors. Henry's niece April comes from Delaware to live with the Rush family. Ted Knight Birth Name: Tadeus Wladyslaw Konopka Birth Place: Terryville, Connecticut, United States Profession Actor, voice artist Voice 4 Credits Family Guy 2011 The New Scooby Doo Movies 1972. When the fifth season began, a single child actor, Joshua Goodwin, took over the role of Andrew Rush. When Too Close for Comfort was canceled by ABC, Metromedia Producers Corporation elected to pick up the series and began producing all-new episodes to run on various stations throughout the country. Brandishing an organisational hatchet, Healy soon made a majority for himself by expelling members, left, right and centre. [1][2] Knight plays work-at-home cartoonist Henry Rush, whose two adult daughters live in the downstairs apartment of his San Francisco townhouse. The Heterodox Trotskyist Hal Draper at the time described this as borderline crackpot. That was felt to be the great test for someone from the YCL, and not only by the member who posed the question. The cluster of ex-SLLers who had joined the RSL was goaded to revolt, and the Coates-Jordan group, which had always been reluctant about fusing with the RSL, too, and so the USec section in Britain split. Except for occasional dialogue, for the most part when the 'Krauts' or 'Jerries' spoke, they did so in German. I loved them both. The business manager of Militant, S Mani, was involved. is known for presenting warfare with gritty realism and humanity, focusing on the perils of the average G.I., men struggling to keep a moral center in the midst of violence. So was Vivienne Mendelson: in 1957 she would move a famous Labour Party conference resolution advocating unilateral nuclear disarmament: that was the occasion when Nye Bevan broke with the left, opposing Mendelson's Norwood resolution at the conference. The family moves to Marin County for the show's final season, where Rush becomes a co-owner of the local weekly newspaper.[1]. On the campaign trail in 2014, Kerry was often attacked . The initial publicity for the "Stop the War" march on 25 February demanded that the West Olenka Gulenok and Kateryna (Bri) Kostrova, two activists from the Ukrainian socialist "Victory to Ukraine!" I'd come to think of myself as a Trotskyist, but was unconvinced - didn't want to be convinced, I suppose - that a revolution was needed to overthrow the Russian bureaucracy. However, using color resulted in a variety of production problems such as the lack of usable stock footage. LANGUAGE. Corey in the 1966 Combat! Knight summarised that I'd "made a good case for it, anyway", and the matter was dropped. Throughout the whole series, however, Paul Busch portrayed multiple characters, the majority of them being German. (Episodes 1-3) (Vic Morrow, Rick Jason; Good Times Home Video, 1987. I saw it. [1] Between completion of the pilot and greenlighting a full season, Seligman and ABC made several changes, including dropping some characters and altering others. In any case I don't think she stayed. I thought it vicious scapegoating. In the fifth year (in color) we delivered them for $183,000. As played by Morrow, Saunders was tough and low-key. episode "Run, Sheep, Run" (season 4, episode 30). Seligman also dismissed Pirosh and brought in Robert Blees to be the series producer. While Morrow appeared in other vehicles, from ''Blackboard Jungle'' to, ''The Bad News Bears,'' he probably is best remembered by many for his, ''Combat!'' He died in 1986 at age 63. "I wonder if he knows he's almost a dirty word in the Army. We dont know what relations he kept with the fragments of the WRP. And Ted Knight. Guilt-stricken after he causes the death of a fellow G.I., Pvt. Healy had been going around boasting about how well we'd do. Corey panics when he captures a German. By then Knight had ceased to be an SLL full-timer, and as we shall see he would move on to different activities in the mid-60s. A picture exists of Russell and Schoenman, and behind them Ted Knight, which the SLL reproduced a number of times. But this TV series, shot on MGM back lots when color TVs were rare, remains exceptional. [2][3] One day was spent shooting on location at Trancas Beach in Malibu, which stood in for Omaha Beach. Knight was initially diagnosed with cancer in 1977, for which he was treated over an extended period of time. But the SLL branch I first attended, meeting in the Lass OGowrie pub, off Oxford Road, is in my mind's eye a sizeable one. Answer (1 of 4): The following events are more or less similar in the forward thinking audience, but I can't think of anything in Germany to really have a concept and . In July 1979, very soon after Thatcher was elected, Knight made cuts. So lonely!" Also, 'Lebenslangerschicksalsschatz' and 'Beinaheleidenschaftsgegenstand' are totally made up words. A 1960s tribute to the men who served during World War II, Combat! In a league of its own, Combat! It conducted hysterical anti-Zionist campaigns, helping poison the Labour left with scarcely disguised antisemitism. Ted Knight. [1], Recurring Characters: Season 1 only (except Davis who appeared twice in Season 2). John Kerry French. To be proscribed meant that any involvement with the paper was incompatible with membership of the Labour Party. Mrs. Knight is director and treasurer of the Price-Pattenger Nutrition Foundation. . The issue was focused on the East German rising of June 1953. He was one of four, I think, people (the others Bill and Rachel Hunter, and Dave Finch) expelled when their weekly paper, Socialist Outlook was proscribed by the Labour Party in July 1954. He recruited me, then an adolescent member of the Young Communist League, to the SLL. It was this organisation, which even a political novice would know for what it was, that Ted Knight, as leader of Lambeth Council from 1978, linked up with again. I had great love for Ted., Cloris Leachman, another co-star, said, I think people liked to look at him and say, Ted, youre our guy, and, Youre our kind of guy., Grant Tinker, head of MTM Enterprises when it produced The Mary Tyler Moore Show, said: I really loved Ted Baxter and Ted Knight all together. The exclamation point in Combat! episode "The Raider" (season 4, episode 16). That didn't stop Ted Knight. But, when the Communist Parties went into ferment after Khrushchev denounced Stalin and then emulated him in his bloody suppression of the 1956 Hungarian revolution, it contributed a great deal to the Healy group's ability to reach and recruit CPers after 1956, by republishing many of Trotsky's out-of-print writings. Muriel is a freelance photographer. Knight's was the right approach: when something is necessary, do it, whatever the difficulties! episode "Weep No More" (season 2, episode 27). Coburn is called upon to speak a few lines in German, a language that met a mixed fate on ''Combat!'' At a meeting in Conway Hall, Healy, speaking from a joint platform, attacked the Communist Party. Black and white. Writers used to make such wonderful pictures without all that swearing, all that cursing. Ted Knight was made the SLL's national organiser for the Labour Party youth activity late in 1960 or early in 1961. In fact, distasteful, unnecessary, and politically stupid calling the police was, but politically the big issue was the breaking away of the Young Socialists and the provoking of the expulsions. (I was at that time not yet a member of the RSL). episode "The Hell Machine" (season 3, episode 28). Before he was a buffoonish anchorman on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Ted Knight was a steely-eyed German sergeant in the 1964 Combat! Deborah Van Valkenburgh and Lydia Cornell were dropped from the series, as was Audrey Meadows. Net Worth: $10 Million. : No Rest for Heroes (1965). They stood with the Stalinist anti-imperialists. Henry and Muriel Rush are owners of a two-unit house at 171173 Buena Vista Avenue East[3] San Francisco, California. premiered on ABC on October 2, 1962, and was broadcast for five seasons to become TV's longest-running World War II drama. His conservative outlook can be seen in some of his better known quotations. It stood the old Trotskyism on its head. Atop the old Greyhound bus station in Hartford during the 1940's could be found the Randall School of Dramatic Arts. The adolescent Ted Knight fell among Healyites - and he would never manage to extricate himself. His proposal for an hour-long drama, called Men in Combat, would follow a small squad of enlisted men from their arrival in mainland Europe on D-Day to the liberation of Paris. Morrow's character often displays what appears to be a USMC cover on his helmet; it is actually a scrap from a camouflage parachute used in the D-Day invasion. Cliff Slaughter, Cyril Smith, Bob Shaw, Tom Kemp, Geoff Pilling and others played that role. Others took turns to verbally bash Knight. The revamped show was scheduled to resume production until the death of star Ted Knight, who had been battling colon cancer since 1985. Comedy" continued on good-naturedly, earning lead status on his own It was a religion in the most direct sense. 1. In black and white. Further, in this season the color was especially memorable as most viewers were accustomed to seeing World War II in black-and-white like the newsreels of the war years. Knight joined them as they began to move away from the war-revolution craze. We never saw her again. ", Interview with Lydia Cornell by Michael Sutton,, American Broadcasting Company original programming, American television series based on British television series, American television series revived after cancellation, First-run syndicated television programs in the United States, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2021, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Articles with dead external links from May 2018, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, (all season 4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.12, multiples), William and Michael Cannon as Andrew Rush (19831984), Joshua Goodwin as Andrew Rush (19851986), Elyse Knight (daughter of Ted Knight) as Samantha Bishop ("The Runaway," 1984), This page was last edited on 31 January 2023, at 22:35. Series regulars attended a week of boot camp before ''Combat!'' There was fake reality as you, Little Comrade, steeped in empiricism as you are, might perceive it, and there was real reality, perceptible only to those who had mastered dialectical thought that for all practical purposes, was Gerry Healy. Ted Baxter gave the whole world a superiority complex.. Before he was a Vulcan exploring strange new worlds aboard the U.S.S. The Life and Sad Ending of Ted Knight The Life and Sad Ending 169K subscribers Subscribe 5.2K 158K views 2 years ago Mini bio of the life of actor Ted Knight who is probably most famous. Veteran actress Pat Carroll joined the cast as Hope Stinson, who owned the majority share of the newspaper and who served as a foil for Henry. Inescapably Stalinism was now to be seen as a progressive anti-capitalist working-class movement. What was the Orthodox Trotskyism to which Ted Knight was won in the early 1950s? Jerome Crown 3 episodes, Dennis Robertson as Pvt. After his release from Army, he received acting training and began . Ironically, Morrow was acting in a battle scene when he died in 1982, hit by an accidentally disabled helicopter while filming a Vietnam War segment for ''Twilight Zone-The Movie.

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