Month: February 2021

Today's Deals

Join our Facebook Group

We have this awesome Facebook group dedicated to eco-friendly living and we’re trying to build a great community of people who love eco-friendly products and support each other lead a sustainable lifestyle. Join this group for an entry to win a $50 Amazon gift card. We draw a winner EVERYTIME group adds 100 new members — this will give you many chances to win!
You help the environment, we bring you the prizes and deals!

Visit our Facebook Group


Please rate the product based on the following:
Alternative: How big of an impact this product has as an alternative for a similar generic product?
Affordability: How affordable is this product in comparison to a similar generic product?
Quality: How is the quality of this product in comparison to a similar generic product?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company which makes this product?