Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

It’s about living a minimal lifestyle – cutting out needless buys. Here are a few other things you can do to help live a greener life:

Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Pack sustainably. Pack as minimally as possible – try to reduce to soap and a shampoo bar, stainless steel razor and toothbrush. Do not leave plastic trash anywhere.

Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Say no to face wipes. Just use a plain old flannel and a nice oil-based cleaner to help break down the make-up at the end of the day. If your really have to, get biodegradable wipes.
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Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Consider a more plant-based diet. Its not possible for everyone to go vegan. The more practical thing is that the majority of people reduce their meat intake to a few days a week.
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Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Buy eco-friendly materials. Look out for more natural fibers – go for cotton over polyester. Not only do they feel a lot better when you wear them, but don’t include stuff like microfibers that go into our water and into sea organisms when we wash our clothing.
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