Companies We Love

When companies continually call themselves ‘eco-friendly,’ it can be tricky to distinguish those businesses that are genuinely eco-friendly, and those that are merely jumping on the environmental bandwagon for “green marketing.”

This is a list of our favorite companies leading the way in planet-friendly business practices:

Tree Tribe

Please rate this company based on the following:
Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?

Cloud Paper

Please rate this company based on the following:
Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?

Our Green House

Please rate this company based on the following:
Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?

Bean Products

Please rate this company based on the following:
Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?