Back in the days when we were children, we learned about environmental issues like the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and many more. We also learned about the various ways to reduce the impact. While playing our part we grew old and became parents, and left behind the generation where we used to belong. But that doesn’t mean our environment is free from threats. The generation has evolved and so have the environmental issues. It’s hard to predict how deadly plastic pollution is or how many lives are at risk due to insecurity of food and clean water but we do know that threats like these are for real and if we raise our child to be more environmentally responsible, we can count on the new generation to save our planet.

Here are some simple tips to raise an environmentally conscious child who’ll grow up to be a responsible world citizen:

Encourage a love for animals

Encourage your child to spend time with animals and pair bonds so that they have a natural respect for every kind of creature.

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Interact with nature

Help your kids interact with nature effortlessly by taking them to outdoor activities like nature treks or nature camps. This exercise will boost the level of intellect and make them curious about the surrounding.

Start a garden and plant trees

Plants just don’t purify the air, they also improve the mood and raise our spirits. Planting trees is a great physical exercise for kids as well. Encourage your kids to help you in the garden and set green spaces at home. You can also dedicate a separate garden space or few planters for your kids and observe how valuable their green thumbs are. Teach them how nurturing a crop is related to nurturing life.

Conserve food and water

Teach your children not to waste food and water. Show them how these resources are essential for survival and need to be cared for.

Preserve resources

When you and your child are at home, discuss the various resources essential for survival at home and teach them how these resources are valuable and should be used responsibly. Train them to save water by setting a timer while bathing or using the washroom, turning the tap off after using it, switching lights and other appliances off after using, and keeping their devices away from the charger before sleeping.


Waste makes recycling a habit by teaching them about biodegradable practices and segregate organic and non-organic waste. Teach them the various ways the waste gets dumped and the impacts if the waste is sent to landfills.

Maintain cleanliness

Right from an early age, teach your children to stay clean and maintain hygiene in the house and surroundings. Teach them to throw trash in bins and not to places where they are not supposed to.

Take your kids to shops and supermarkets

Manage time to take your kids on supermarket trips and allow them to interact with the various products and product buying behavior. Use the time to discuss product choosing behavior and how the choices impact the environment.

Go natural

Use natural products at home especially for skin and household use. Let kids get acquainted with natural resources and chemical-free products from the beginning.

Grow your food

There is nothing better than eating the food that you have grown and it would be a great experience for kids watching the food grow and enjoy eating. Set a separate space for your kids in the garden or some planter where they can practice their farming. Encouraging them with this exercise will help them know of different herbs and vegetables and it will also ensure better nutrition.

Watch educational content

Whether it’s the television or the web, there is plenty of content that can mislead your child. However, both platforms are one of the best ways to make your child more environmentally aware. Encouraging them to watch wildlife, plant life and environment-related television programs will develop the sense of improving the environmental conditions.

As with everything, you must practice what you preach. With the right education from the very beginning, you can be confident of raising environment-conscious children who will carry these valuable lessons to adult life. Eventually, these lessons will impact building significant changes, thus keeping our environment and our planet safe.