Eco-Friendly Articles

Most people are now well aware of the importance of conserving water, recycling, and reducing their carbon footprint. However, being environmentally conscious is not all about plastic bags; it’s about making everyday choices.

We have articles covering everything from sustainable living to greenwashing. Continue reading to find out how to go green!

Eco-Friendly Articles
The rise of conscious consumerism

Conscious consumerism entails considering the consequences of your purchases. Is the company environmentally responsible, and is it committed to social equality? Are the purchases you’re making helping or harming the planet? When you feel like your choices can help, fashion, travel beauty, and dining out can become more fulfilling. A recent study found that, although 66% of consumers worldwide are willing to pay more for sustainable goods, their money is not always there.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
Greenwashing: How to Spot It and Stop it?

Greenwashing is a way to increase sales by saying that a product or company is environmentally friendly when in reality, it’s the exact opposite. They essentially can say they are doing great things for our mother earth but do not have to show any evidence to their statement. By making false promises, companies are making an insane amount of money from deceiving us.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
Is Sustainable Fashion a Scam?

Even though these fast apparel firms have engaged in various human rights abuses, there are massive humanitarian and environmental costs buried under a high price tag. Let’s look at the environmental problems created by the mass manufacturing of low-cost clothing. Quick fashion is an umbrella word for the rapid phase of translating innovative product trends into clothes on the shop floor.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
What sustainability means for your business?

Sustainability is generally about managing resources and contributing the world’s resources in terms of good health, safe water, clean air, etc. However, in business, sustainability breaks down to the triple bottom line (TBL) concept. It is used a lot when speaking about sustainable development, and particularly sustainability in business.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
Truth About Fake Eco-Friendly Products and Companies

Not everything that says “green” really is, and even if a product carrying this label might be a little better for the environment, it may still be hazardous to you and your family.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
How to raise an environmentally responsible child?

Back in the days when we were children, we learned about environmental issues like the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and many more. We also learned about the various ways to reduce the impact. While playing our part we grew old and became parents, and left behind the generation where we used to belong. But that doesn’t mean our environment is free from threats. The generation has evolved and so have the environmental issues. It’s hard to predict how deadly plastic pollution is or how many lives are at risk due to insecurity of food and clean water but we do know that threats like these are for real and if we raise our child to be more environmentally responsible, we can count on the new generation to save our planet.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
Sustainable living is expensive

Whether its clothes or just straws, the price of eco-friendly products are high, eco-minded people have to cover a larger margin than a regular product. It’s no big deal for an individual who could afford expensive eco-friendly products.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
Green Business Ideas

Green business is synonymous with sustainable business. In green enterprises, products are manufactured with sustainable materials and resources. To maintain sustainability in the industry, companies cut down water, energy, and raw materials, which eventually restricts carbon emission.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
The Future of Plastic and Alternatives

What is the future of plastics? This is a question asked by many but not answered very well. The answer to this question is relative. The future of plastics will depend on how our society uses plastics and how much of it there currently is. It also will depend on how well the plastics industry develops environmentally responsible products. All these questions are important and have an impact on its future outcomes.

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Eco-Friendly Articles
Eco-Friendly Stars

From planting trees to making eco-friendly clothing lines to taking part in climate marches, every action makes a difference to our planet.

We have compiled a list of celebrities, activists, scientists, politicians, and more — making a difference all over the world. All driven by a single purpose: use eco-friendly methods and products to protect our planet.

View Our Eco-Friendly Stars