Kitchen & Bath Today's Deals
Sandalwood Eco-Shave Soap

All natural plant-based ingredients and free from palm-derived stearic acid = eco-friendly low lather formulation. You will love natural shaving soap for an easy gliding shave plus cocoa, shea and mango butters for maximum moisture and a closer shave.

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Personal Care & Beauty Today's Deals
Vegan Blush sticks

Comes with eco-friendly paper tube. Vegan Plant oils are easily absorbed easily by the skin and help with moisture loss, keeping skin hydrated. All products are made by hand using a gentle mixing process and high quality tools. They ship directly to customers using Eco-Enclose recycled padded mailers and no plastic packing material.

Get it on Amazon

Save Water
Tame your toilets

Look at installing a dual flush conversion system to all your toilets so that you can use less water when flushing.

Save Water
Slim down the showers

Your shower head blows out 3 gallons of water per minute, so take a look at reducing the shower time to 3 minutes and turning down the shower while you scrub. Fit in a low flow shower head, and you’ll get half the volume of water every minute.

Save Water
Efficient Low-Flow Faucets

Fit low-flow faucet aerators to your kitchen and bathroom faucets to reduce your water bills. Remember to shut the tap after you brush your teeth or wash your hands in order to conserve more water.

Save Water
Don’t Hand Wash Dishes

Hand washing individual dishes uses a lot more water than dishwasher. Make sure you fully load your dishwasher every time.

Save Water
Be water aware

Start by measuring how much water you and your family use every day. Then look at ways to minimize water use and see how much water you’ve saved.

Our Green House

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Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?

Bean Products

Please rate this company based on the following:
Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?


Please rate the product based on the following:
Alternative: How big of an impact this product has as an alternative for a similar generic product?
Affordability: How affordable is this product in comparison to a similar generic product?
Quality: How is the quality of this product in comparison to a similar generic product?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company which makes this product?