Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Pack sustainably. Pack as minimally as possible – try to reduce to soap and a shampoo bar, stainless steel razor and toothbrush. Do not leave plastic trash anywhere.

Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Say no to face wipes. Just use a plain old flannel and a nice oil-based cleaner to help break down the make-up at the end of the day. If your really have to, get biodegradable wipes.
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Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Consider a more plant-based diet. Its not possible for everyone to go vegan. The more practical thing is that the majority of people reduce their meat intake to a few days a week.
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Tips for Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

Buy eco-friendly materials. Look out for more natural fibers – go for cotton over polyester. Not only do they feel a lot better when you wear them, but don’t include stuff like microfibers that go into our water and into sea organisms when we wash our clothing.
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Eco-Friendly Travel: Tips and Tricks
Be at home in a hotel

Although you’re in a hotel, look out for a change of linen and towels and change your linen every three to four days. Always turn off all electrical appliances when you leave your room and use the appliances sparingly.

Eco-Friendly Travel: Tips and Tricks
Stay Local

Enjoy locally made food and drink – locally made food and drinks will not only be cheaper, they’ve also traveled less distances, making your meal carbon friendly.

Eco-Friendly Travel: Tips and Tricks
Travel Overland

If you’re traveling inland, take a train or a bus instead of booking a flight. Although this may take longer than a flight, you’ll be able to see the countryside while reducing your carbon footprint. It’s best to plan your stay so that you can find out what forms of public transport you can use.

Eco-Friendly Travel: Tips and Tricks
Pack Light

Packing what you need means that you can often travel on foot or use public transport instead of looking for a taxi. Look at packing multi-purpose items and wash off a few items at your destination.

Eco-Friendly Travel: Tips and Tricks
Don’t Bag It

Always carry a large tote when you’re out shopping and choose to put all your shopping in your bag instead of using plastic bags offered by the vendors.

Eco-Friendly Cars
Toyota Camry Hybrid LE

• Fuel (or energy) efficiency: 52 mpg
The entry-level LE version of the Toyota Camry Hybrid gets 18 miles per gallon more than the most fuel efficient four-cylinder version of the non-hybrid Camry, and it draws out 6 more miles per gallon than the pricier XLE and SE versions of the Camry Hybrid.