Eco-Friendly Articles

How to raise an environmentally responsible child?

Back in the days when we were children, we learned about environmental issues like the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, and many more. We also learned about the various ways to reduce the impact. While playing our part we grew old and became parents, and left behind the generation where we used to belong. But that doesn’t mean our environment is free from threats. The generation has evolved and so have the environmental issues. It’s hard to predict how deadly plastic pollution is or how many lives are at risk due to insecurity of food and clean water but we do know that threats like these are for real and if we raise our child to be more environmentally responsible, we can count on the new generation to save our planet.

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Eco-Friendly Articles

Green Business Ideas

Green business is synonymous with sustainable business. In green enterprises, products are manufactured with sustainable materials and resources. To maintain sustainability in the industry, companies cut down water, energy, and raw materials, which eventually restricts carbon emission.

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Eco-Friendly Alternatives

Alternatives to Bubble Wrap

Bubble wrap has been one of the most popular packaging materials since its conception in the 1950s. It’s made of translucent plastic covered with small air bubbles. However, The United Nations estimates that by 2050, there will be more plastic in the oceans than fish. That’s an alarming prediction, and it sends a clear and urgent message for everyone to reduce their use of plastic. Now, this is the time to reduce the use of bubble wrap for all of us. There are many sustainable alternatives brands can use instead of bubble wrap.

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Eco-Friendly Articles

The Future of Plastic and Alternatives

What is the future of plastics? This is a question asked by many but not answered very well. The answer to this question is relative. The future of plastics will depend on how our society uses plastics and how much of it there currently is. It also will depend on how well the plastics industry develops environmentally responsible products. All these questions are important and have an impact on its future outcomes.

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