Companies We Love
Misha Nonoo

When you place an order with MishaNonoo, you aren’t getting an item that’s been sitting around plastic-bagged in a warehouse for months. You’re getting something made specially for you and only you in a vetted, ethical factory one garment at a time.

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Companies We Love
Avre Life

Recycle, Reduce, Reuse. AVRE was born out of necessity to transform the industry with the inspiration to pursue a sustainable footwear brand for the empowered woman. AVRE does exactly that by using recycled plastics bottles on their quest to craft trendy and comfy footwear.

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Eco-Friendly Alternatives
Alternatives to Disposable Face Masks

The coronavirus outbreak has led to a dramatic increase in the demand for face masks. As a result, an estimated 1.56 billion face masks have already entered oceans in 2020. Disposable masks contain plastics that pollute water and can harm wildlife who eat them or become tangled in them. These masks will take as long as 450 years to break down, slowly turning into microplastics while negatively impacting marine wildlife and ecosystems.

With face masks littering the environment, the search is on for sustainable solutions.

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Companies We Love

They are on a mission to make the world’s best workout shoes. And not just good for you, but good for the planet. They started by ditching the idea that a performance shoe could only be made for one specific sport or activity in mind.


Eco-Friendly Alternatives
Alternatives to Makeup Removers

Traditional makeup removers are single-use products inherently wasteful and contribute to a wide range of environmental problems. Switching out your go-to makeup removing wipes is probably the simplest and most significant way you can reduce your environmental impact since reports suggest that single-use cleansing wipes, made to use once and throw away, are the third-most wasteful product in the world.

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Eco-Friendly Alternatives
Alternatives to Sponges

According to a report published at, the kitchen sponge contains more bacteria than your toilet. What are you going to do with the bacteria-infested sponge? You wipe it all over your kitchen counter and the interior of your refrigerator, and you bathe your dishes in it.

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Eco-Friendly Alternatives
Alternatives to Paper Towels

Sheet after sheet of single-use paper towels, like plastic bags that are discarded after one use, is not good for the environment. Now it’s time to look for affordable and eco-friendly alternatives.

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Eco-Friendly Alternatives
Alternatives to Plastic Bags

Although a lot of plastic can be recycled, the vast majority of it never makes it to the recycling bin and still ends up in landfills, polluting our waters. Plastic contamination in our waters is so severe that it is estimated that by 2050, plastic will outweigh fish in the ocean.

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Fashion Today's Deals
STOGO All-Day Glove

Made from 100% certified RECYCLED materials. Powered by ViralOff Polygiene Technology, which reduces germs and bacteria by 99% in less than 2 hours (Details Here!). Full hand workout glove. Great for trains, planes, and bikes/scooters. Also, perfect for shopping carts and grocery baskets.

All-Day Glove

Misha Nonoo

Please rate this company based on the following:
Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?

Avre Life

Please rate this company based on the following:
Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?


Please rate the product based on the following:
Alternative: How big of an impact this product has as an alternative for a similar generic product?
Affordability: How affordable is this product in comparison to a similar generic product?
Quality: How is the quality of this product in comparison to a similar generic product?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company which makes this product?