Companies We Love

Jackalo has eco-friendly clothes designed to last. They focus on environmental sustainability on several fronts including prioritizing energy-efficient factories and those with sound practices for waste reduction and recycling. They only use 100% certified organic cotton that is also fair trade. Their garments are ethically made in Portugal and our accessories are ethically made in the Netherlands.

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Companies We Love

Transform your restroom into the best room with full line of TUSTY products. Their modern bidet that saves your ass, saves your money, saves the planet and saves the world. It takes just 1 pint of water to properly wash with TUSHY versus 15 million trees to make toilet paper annually.



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Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?


Please rate this company based on the following:
Alternative: How much of an impact do this company's products have as an alternative to others?
Affordability: How affordable are the products of this company in comparison to others?
Quality: How is the quality of this company's products in comparison to others?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company?


Please rate the product based on the following:
Alternative: How big of an impact this product has as an alternative for a similar generic product?
Affordability: How affordable is this product in comparison to a similar generic product?
Quality: How is the quality of this product in comparison to a similar generic product?
People/Planet: How socially and environmentally responsible is the company which makes this product?